Dan Liew

Email dan_ZZ@su-root.co.uk (remove the _ZZ)
GitHub delcypher
Twitter @dan_liew
LinkedIn Dan Liew


Here are a list of projects I have contributed to

  • Boogie - A framework for static verification.
  • GPUVerify - A static analysis tool for proving race, barrier divergence and assertion failure freedom of OpenCL and CUDA kernels.
  • Halide - A domain specific language and compiler for image processing.
  • iscp - A small bash script the automates downloading files from a server using ssh and rsync.
  • JFS - A constraint solver based on coverage-guided fuzzing.
  • KLEE - A symbolic virtual machine built on top of LLVM.
  • KLEE-float - A modified version of KLEE to support floating-point programs.
  • KLEE-SMTLIB - A fork of KLEE that supports using SMTLIBv2 solvers.
  • LLVM - The awesome compiler framework.
  • obs-build - Scripts for running local builds of packages on the openSUSE build service.
  • NSolv - A front end for tools that use SMTLIBv2 solvers that can be used to launch multiple solvers in parallel.
  • SIMI-Qt - A GUI application (using Qt toolkit) for performing image segmentation on medical MRI images.
  • STP - An SMT solver over the theory of arrays of bitvectors.
  • Symbooglix - A symbolic execution engine for Boogie programs.
  • unrarall - A small bash script to extract multiple rar files and clean up unwanted files from extraction.
  • Whole program LLVM - A nitfy hack for getting the LLVM bitcode for programs.
  • Z3 - A SMT solver from Microsoft Research.